The Need

Flynn employs over 6,000 people and serves a diverse portfolio of clients across North America with a range of architectural products and roofing services including metal paneling, contract glazing and curtain wall. With client demands growing for sustainability policies, processes and products, Flynn wanted customized, authentic and transparent sustainable practices designed and implemented to respond to the transitioning needs of all its stakeholders.


The Outcome

The construction sector is known as the backbone to the Canadian economy. It’s responsible for creating the built infrastructure for Canadian communities and employs 1.6 million people. This makes ESG complex in its delivery for different stakeholders expectations. LittPark was selected to build out the ESG initiatives for Flynn incorporating the outcomes required for clients, contractors, employees, suppliers and leadership. The process began with understanding stakeholders’ expectations through a series of interviews. Simultaneously, internal audits of Flynn’s operations and value chain were completed to understand the material ESG topics for each business function. With these insights, an ESG roadmap was developed, identifying the initiatives to be implemented to drive positive environmental and social impacts across the organization.

